
In Kyoto, Japan at the Fushimi Inari Temple.

In Kyoto, Japan at the Fushimi Inari Temple.


About the Magician

I consider it my greatest privilege to entertain audiences and provide fun, magical experiences. My path to becoming a magician was roundabout. After majoring in mechanical engineering and earning an MBA, I worked as a program manager in the electronics industry. I discovered at that time that I preferred the gig life and became a fulltime freelance writer.

During this period, I published four books and wrote regularly for national magazines and newspapers that included: BusinessWeek, The San Francisco Chronicle, CNet, PC Magazine, Cinescape, Small Business Computing (Managing Editor), About.com (then owned by the NY Times), and many more. I wrote about small business topics, video games, business software, travel and entertainment.

When I’m not entertaining, I enjoy travel. I’m also a YouTuber.

You can reach me at wayne@magicwayne.com and 909-630-2848.